What is the success rate for ArtStart applicants?
As funds are limited, grants are very competitive. Historically, approximately one in every three proposals have been funded. Please be aware that projects may not be fully funded.
Can Newark Arts Staff help me with my application?
Members of Newark Arts will answer specific questions about the application materials and forms. However, Newark Arts does not review full proposals or provide edits to texts or budgets. In advance of the deadline, you may contact the office to speak to staff if you have specific questions.
I’m not from Newark; can I still apply for an ArtStart Grant?
Organizations/Artists not from Newark seeking funding support for programs specifically in service of Newark residents are welcome to apply. As long as your program happens within the City of Newark and benefits its communities, you are eligible for an ArtStart Grant.
If I plan to partner with other organizations, should I list them in my proposal?
Local partnerships are integral to the success of any community-based project. You must mention your partners, indicate whether they are confirmed or proposed, and tell us how they will be involved. A letter of support from the executive director(s) is also required.
I have a great idea for a project, but nowhere to hold it! What should I do?
Applicants must secure space to run their program prior to submitting their proposal. Our panel will be looking at how realistic your program is to implement, based on the details you provide and your program history/experience. Projects proposed without a definite space are deemed “less realistic.”
What is the ADA and how does it affect my program?
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. This means that your venue should be accessible to people who have mobility impairments and you should seek to accommodate people who are hearing or visually impaired or have other disabilities by asking them to let you know in advance of special needs. It is advisable to have an organizational ADA plan which describes those accommodations that are currently available and notes those that are being planned for.
If I’m a first-time applicant, how do I make sure I’m successful?
Newark Arts Staff strongly recommend that you choose a reviewer for your application. Have someone whom you trust review your application to check for typos and anything you may have missed! Did you include all the required attachments? Did you answer each question to the best of your ability? Select a friend/colleague to check over your application before submission.
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