*Newark Arts is not affiliated with these events (unless stated explicitly). For more info, please contact the venue or organizer directly.
Refresh your wardrobe and connect with like-minded individuals at the Newark Public Library!
Enjoy a Meet & Greet with refreshments, an engaging panel discussion with industry experts, and a lively clothing swap where you can exchange gently used items. Bring at least 10 gently used clothing items and help promote sustainability. This event is hosted by LHMT.US (Love Handles and Muffin Tops) and the Newark Public Library.
Stay for a stimulating discussion about the Body Positivity Movement, which will include the following experts:
Jax the Poet, Love Handles and Muffin Tops (Moderator)
Megan Ixim, Social Media Manager
Amar Session, Model and Influencer
Donelle Jagemanis, Founder of Philly Fat Con
Parking will be available at Essex County Parking Deck (formerly the Bears/ Eagle Stadium Parking Garage) which is located at 20-54 Bridge Street.
Please Register Here: bit.ly/bodypositiveswap